Each of the seventy-eight cards in a Tarot deck is active in all of us at one time or another. At various junctures, one card appears more active than another, and then that is what we notice as it manifests in behavior.
Let’s say that all the cards are “Houses,” The House of Strength for example. Within the house, there are “Rooms.” In one of the Rooms in The House of Strength is Higher Nature; in another, Control, while in still another, Inner Strength, or Courage.
For this exercise, we will look at the Judgement card as the “House” and then look into each Room of the house to see what resides there. Each Room, will ask the visitor four questions. These questions compose the spread for each room.
Lay out four cards in a horizontal row for each reading with the Judgement Card placed above them.
This can be done for every card in the deck. For example, there may be a House of The Eight of Swords, The House of the Page of Wands or The House of the Devil.
Again, focus on directions and levels you see in the spread, interactions between and among characters and integrate those observations in your readings.
In this example, the Judgement card has been selected:
The House of Judgement
True Calling
- What is your true calling?
- How have you answered it?
- How have you denied it?
- What has been the result?
Starting Over
- In what area of your life would you like to start over?
- What might you gain?
- What might your lose?
- What first step could you take now?
The Paralysis of Past Experience
- What old ways of thinking and behaving do you need to go beyond in order to move forward?
- How have these ways stunted your growth?
- How have they affected those around you?
- How may you experience a new awakening by adopting new ways of thinking and behaving?
Resurrection of Self
- What good has died within you?
- How can you resurrect it?
- What would renewal look like?
- What chain of events might it set in motion?
- What area of your life have you neglected?
- How has it affected you?
- How has it affected others?
- What do you need to do to change that for the better?
Bad Judgment
- In what area of your life have you recently made a bad judgment?
- What were the consequences?
- At this point, how can you attempt to remedy the current outcome?
- What benefit may be derived?
- In what crossroad of life do you find yourself?
- What would need to happen before you could move in one direction or another?
- What risk might you need to take to facilitate this move?
- In what new direction is it likely to take you?
Growing Pains
- What hard lesson may be left for you to learn?
- Who or what may be your teacher?
- What sacrifice may be asked of you?
- What new insights may await?
A New Life
- What brought you to where you are now?
- Where are you headed?
- How will you get there?
- What will you find?
A Life-Changing Event (A Wake Up Call)
- What did you learn about yourself?
- What did you learn about others?
- How did you resist the change?
- In what ways did you rise to a more meaningful life?
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